The Old-Growth Forest Network in Ohio

Speaker: Dr. Joan Maloof

Let’s discuss the history of Ohio’s forest cover, and why forests that escaped clearing are so important for carbon storage and biodiversity. In this talk Dr. Joan Maloof will discuss these topics and also describe the Ohio forests in the Old-Growth Forest Network. OGFN is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a network of forests across the US, open for visitors and never logged, and a network of people inspired to protect them. Ohio currently leads the nation in number of forests in the Network, and more forests will be added in April. Join us to learn about this inspirational project and learn about old-growth forests in Ohio that you can visit.

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SPEAKER BIO: Joan Maloof is a writer, an ecologist and a conservationist with a unique voice in today’s times. She has studied and worked with plants her entire life; her formal education includes a Bachelor’s degree in Plant Science, a Master’s degree in Environmental Science, and a Doctorate in Ecology.

She is a Professor Emeritus at Salisbury University, where she taught Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies. Maloof has published numerous research articles in publications such as Ecology, American Journal of Botany, and the International Journal of Environmental Studies.

Maloof’s books include Teaching the Trees (2005), Among the Ancients (2011), Nature’s Temples: the Complex World of Old-Growth Forests (2016), and The Living Forest: A Visual Journey into the Heart of the Woods (2017).

In addition to her research and writing, Maloof founded an organization with the goal of creating a network of protected forests across the US. That organization, the Old-Growth Forest Network, now has thousands of supporters. Maloof travels widely to educate others regarding the extent and condition of our forests, and to encourage their preservation.