Tiger Beetles: Voracious Speed Demons of the Insect World

Tiger Beetles: Voracious Speed Demons of the Insect World

When: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 7:00 pm, online via Zoom

Speaker: Judy Semroc of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History
This program discusses our beautiful, but not well-known, Tiger Beetles. Join us to learn about their natural history, habitat requirements, importance, and how/why their populations are declining. Yes, we should care and learn what we can do to help them!

As with most TNA programs, this one is free and open to the public, so please join us! Remember to register to get the Zoom link to join the program: *** REGISTER ***
Note: If you haven’t used Zoom before, you’ll need to download it to your computer before joining the meeting. Go to https://zoom.us/download and choose “Zoom Client for Meetings”

Judy Semroc currently works in the Natural Areas Division for The Cleveland Museum of Natural History as a Conservation Specialist. She is the founder of Chrysalis in Time‚ the first Ohio chapter of the North American Butterfly Association (NABA). Judy also serves on the board of the Ohio Bluebird Society. She has co-authored two natural history guides, Dragonflies & Damselflies of Northeast Ohio, in 2008, and Goldenrods of Northeast Ohio: A Field Guide to Identification & Natural History, in 2017. As a former Petroleum Geologist and science teacher, Judy loves to learn about and share her passion for the natural world through hikes, interpretive programs, and photography.