1/19/25: A 2nd wint. ICGU with some RBGUs flew over my home. I’m somewhat confused by the taxonomy. First they had the THGU as a subsp. of HERG, then it had full species status, now they’re saying it’s a subsp. of ICGU. I’m not sure if the proper designation would be Kumlien’s Gull. But I do know for sure this bird was all white, had no markings or other colors on either side of its primaries, and was slightly larger than the RBGUs. These are field marks of a 2nd yr. ICGU as I have understood this species.
I get aquatic bird traffic over my home almost every day. In the Morn., they usually fly NE–SW. In other words they’re headed upriver. In the late aft. and eve. it’s reversed — downriver SW–NE. Some gulls on a straight S. heading AM and straight N. PM are coming to and going from the Northwood landfill.